10/21 just more than half the public says that it's bad for the country that the GOP controls the House of Representatives, according to a new national poll conducted after the end of the partial government shutdown. video: MJ vs coby MJ:is like has the best arm to throw it in and coby: is like everything he does the fakes the shots up close from far he even slams dunks larry vs calvin :larry is like has the speed and the grip of the ball and calvin has the tricks and the speed and the grip of the ball to beat the other team they all had a different style in the rap but b.o.b had a very good start and machine gun just s**ed on the rap i didn't like it albert vs steavon the steavon won the battle final . 10/22 Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, is telling a Senate panel Tuesday that states must clarify their "stand your ground" self-defense laws.The laws, adopted in some form by at least 22 states, generally cancel a person's duty to retreat in the face of a serious physical threat. But the 2012 shooting of Fulton's unarmed son, Trayvon Martin, 17, and the acquittal of George Zimmerman this year provided evidence that "stand your ground" laws can be confusing and applied inconsistently, she said."By being unclear in when and how it is applied, stand your ground in its current form is far to open to abuse," Fulton said in prepared testimony for the Senate Judiciary Committee. 10/23 Candles and flashlights will light up the shore along the East Coast as survivors of Superstorm Sandy pay their respects to what was lost when the storm roared ashore one year ago.To mark Tuesday's anniversary, residents of coastal neighborhoods in New York and New Jersey that suffered some of the worst flooding are honoring that terrible day in ways both public and private. 10/24 Congress pa**ed in 1867, in the middle of the Civil War, to try to stop fraud by government contractors.If a law is deeply controversial, its critics can be counted upon to try to find ever-new ways to test it. That is the reality today for President Obama's most important domestic policy program, the overhaul of the nation's health care system – the Affordable Care Act, or, as it is more widely known, by critics and supporters alike, “Obamacare.” 10/25 The individual mandate is also at the center of the continuing problems the government is having with the website that is the portal through which Americans sign up for health insurance. The primary aim of Obamacare is to get nearly everybody in America covered by a health policy, but that goal can't be reached if individuals are thwarted when they try to enroll.