Anders Jivarp - Bolt Of Blazing Gold lyrics


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Anders Jivarp - Bolt Of Blazing Gold lyrics

A bolt of blazing gold Lifted from the horizon's edge Another radiant dawn sends new hope Avowed my hearty pledge My yearning to be part Of nature's truthful solitude Of wisdom's inner light That shines in mystic multitude The guiding source within So few of us will ever know And few will ever climb The great world-tree from which we've grown But those who seek will find The rhythm that vibrates high and far And rearrange the cosmic threads The pattern of the Weave of Stars A bolt of blazing gold A sunfire in zenith hurled Oh, wingless skydancer Rejoiced upon the warmth unfurled What wonders do you hold ensnared With your mighty heart? What secrets may be mine To brother-share as we depart? Of richest emerald forged My soul still rises, longingly From inferno's winding caverns Through dark air soaring, restlessly If silence was enough! No words can grasp my starkest thoughts No language known to man Portrays my naked sentiment A bolt of blazing gold Swallowed by the waveless sea The ocean-winds set sail In breeze towards their destiny On solarbeams they rode White sea-gull-wings in harmony For a moment's startling glimpse A sienna-burnt tranquility Oh father of the coloured sky Unwear thy robe of shadowhood Let nature's soul once clash again 'Neath blooming glades of goldenwood We're the ones who seek To dance to fallen serenades The magic hymns of gold; As softly sung, the sunlight fades ...Away Of richest emerald forged My soul still rises, longingly From inferno's winding caverns Through dark air soaring, restlessly If silence was enough! No words can grasp my starkest thoughts No language known to man Portrays my naked sentiment A world of silent stone As frozen in the nightly sky In heaven's dark recesses laid No living soul draws nigh For seconds all is still No moonlight heaves throughout the dark Nor do the heavens breathe No dryads wreathe within the dark Within my dark domain...