Where every hero turns to rust Swallowed by the sands of time And will never be remembered Winds of desolation carry my name The fever burns me alive Burning out Cutting through Is it all I ever do? What is left of me? Riding through the furious storm Blinded by the unforgiving sun Give praise and reload your gun The final war has begun I roam across my empire King of the wasteland Burning out Cutting through Giving d**h is what we do What is left to see? No salvation without a blood red sun I'm not a liar We are the chosen ones Your blood will be paid In this final crusade Your blood will be paid
In this final crusade They call us murderers We're gonna die alone You won't remember us We're already gone The shadows haunting me And the k**ing is free Crown a new king Burn everything Bittersweet taste of victory No souls left to reap And no one left to weep Salvation will come Load your gun or die alone We are the chosen ones Riding through the furious storm Blinded by the unforgiving sun Give praise and reload your gun 'Cause the final desert storm has begun Bleeding me, roam true, roam free Be what we're born to be Tears and blood wash away You better save your tears For the final day