Knock, knock. Who is there? It's the Zombie Inc., mein Herr... ...and we are somewhat ravenous. Good Grief. That Bum. Gonna have to chew it off, Madame. Cause we are pa**ably murderous. Cancer-ridden Organs. Ulcers filled with Pus. Guess who's on the Menue. h*mo Gusticus. Blood Fountain. Red Mist. Gently s**ing on A Liver Cyst. Pierced Tongues. Black Lungs. Finger Food. Cracked Head. Wet Mullet. Bone Marrow running down my Gullet.
Deep Bite. Cellulite. Yummy Lard. Cancer-ridden Organs. Ulcers filled with Pus. Guess who's on the Menue. h*mo Gusticus. Eyballs. Crushed in their Sockets. Genitals. Fungal Attack. Ribcage. Seeking Claws in A Chest. Proud Flesh. Adipose Tissue. Skeletal. Expose the Bones. Hunger... leading us to your Homes. Cancer-ridden Organs. Ulcers filled with Pus. Guess who's on the Menue. h*mo Gusticus. h*mo Gusticus.