Nobody gets me as high up as you do, still so often put me down, it's what I'm use To Guess it keeps me humble liquid bubble level Seconds are the increments of measurements I use to count the time since Our last interface, communicating face to face Now I'm hacking the mainframe decipher data tagged with your last name Cut copy paste your image into free space As I a**emble the pixels its starts to resemble the likes of you Tweet the jpeg to my followers they might like it too, well of course I do My joyous jaws jabber java gibberish Understand the product, but the coding leaves you ignorant My intelligence light years from common sense You can take a crash course in a corvette. Suggest u buckle up, if you are not done
Living yet Zazu dumb it down perhaps speak in Ebonics Best I can do manipulate it to harmonics So when I say my rhymes and you don't get em You can at least, ride the rhythm. Rhythm Her skin so micro soft, as I caress. My potential energy Ex Cels Breathe in her fragrance exhale, carbon dioxide Chemical reaction leave me satisfied Oil and water don't mix but elixirs and placebos do the trick I'm floating I'm sailing, ignoring gravity levitating Suspended in time. now I'm waiting. For an upgrade or a reboot I need to see you, before I crash my CPU Calculating what to say triangulating where your heart is Silently wondering if that was the last kiss Technically every kiss is the last kiss