[Verse 1] I told my inner critic, "Sit down and shut up." He asked: "Have you heard the word subtle?" I was befuddled Thought positive affirmation would make his voice get muffled It taped his mouth up but he stuck his tongue through with no trouble "Uh oh" I stepped my game up, grabbed a duffle He said, “That ain't enough” As I grabbed the bag and chained it up Still I was troubled I left him in the basement but When I made it up the stairs And locked the door I turned around and someone said: “This is terrible character development Watch Dr. Strangelove. How do your cellars compare with his? You've never written anything the least bit interesting I know you're gonna end it on some cliche like 'It's a dream'” “No. I haven't thought of the ending yet Maybe I'll just write the songs finished and the critics dead.” “If you did it there? Brilliant, but you did this instead Here's a prediction a few more minutes you're gonna get in bed And you'll forget the whole thing And then you'll go and see Mike and Au They'll be like: 'Rico is it written?' You'll say 'no I haven't started. ' Afraid of admitting the truth That inside of your brain there's a critic that used To work like a spaghetti strain for your lyrics until he improved So now what he drains is your spirit and nothings getting through I Love Lucy waves major interference So no words get on the page and no one hears them You thought that what you say could make a difference But now I made you sit down and shut up." [Interlude] And to be honest I did stop writing at this point And fall asleep which was an extreme disappointment I woke up the next day and tried to finish But didn't like what i had written so i just didn't We decided to omit it from the album. Time went by and I was less and less content with that outcome
Like I literally let him beat me on my own track who does that? I gotta find a way to come back [Verse 2] "Clocks bust down whenever I rhyme I get a head of my time You can try to lessen my drive It survives it never will die You poisoned it put it in a bag and threw it Off a cliff to drown it but it's Rasputin Back in a flash like a fast mutant” “That's stupid Flash is from the DC universe There's no mutants there That has a lot of meaning to the nerds Who you were appealing to at first And why the theme of bags? Are the ones under your weary eyes what made you think of that? Use your thinking cap Keep writing like this and you gone need some bags For when you sleeping in the street asking for something to eat and cash” “Expose my flaws like Pandora's box though I'm down I got hope My gla** is afelfal like scrambled ground garbanzo's And yes I'm old school like them Chicago ones that Rahm closed Take aim you shooting Blanks like camera men for tae bo I grow Impatient and satiated with the way you hating I may of made it further if my creative self wasn't emaciated By your fervor to watch all of my bridges burn up It didn't work cuz I kick the cycle and jump the hurdle Kang or Chung I'm Liu sit(lucid) down I'm bout to change it up Like Shang Tsung all you get now is shame for weighing what You came with against me and if my brain combusts I'll take it Nothing'll stop this frontal a**ault till you dumped in your coffin Sure you can tell me I mixed Mortal Kombat with Street Fighter Or that Liu Chung tripped on a hurdle He ain't get his feet high enough But I am much more concerned with what happens after the worthy fall We rise from the Ashes and you get back inside your Pokie ball