Monday - The book returns to Bella's perspective, and she has just given birth to her daughter, and is now experiencing the painful transformation from human to vampire. After receiving an injection of morphine to help ease the pain, Bella is unable to move. As the morphine diminishes, Bella consciously stays absolutely still to alleviate Edward's guilt and agony over the discomfort of her transformation. When she opens her eyes, she feels a warm hand on her. She is startled and moves to a defensive position. She then realizes that Edward now feels relatively warm to her, and that she is now a vampire. The Cullens are worried of Bella as newborn-vampires are violent. Yet, Bella manages to demonstrate some self-control. This is bizarre for any new born. All she wants is to see her daughter, Renesmee (pronounced "ruh-NEZ-may"), whose name is a mix of her mother Renee, and Edward's mother, Esme's names. Since Renesmee is part-human, the everyone thinks that Bella will not be able to control her newborn thirst if she sees the child so soon without first hunting. But the strange thing is that Bella doesn't even remember her thirst until someone brings it up. Tuesday- Edward takes Bella on her first hunt to ease her thirst. Before they leave, Alice shows Bella her reflection. She now is a stunningly beautiful woman with flawless skin and newborn-vampire red eyes. Bella experiments with her new body on the hunt. She is now graceful, strong, and fast, a big difference from her clumsy human body. While hunting, she accidentally crosses a human scent. She again demonstrates remarkable self control by running away. Edward is amazed, because newborns have little self control, especially while hunting. When they return, Bella is allowed to see her daughter because of her self-control in the woods. Because Renesmee is growing at an amazing rate, she looks older than her calendar age. Bella learns of Renesmee's gift - the ability to communicate by sending images to people's minds through touch. Bella is infuriated when she learns that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee. She says it is his fault that he has imprinted on her child. She held her self control until she found that Jacob nicknamed her daughter "Nessie." Bella despises the name because it sounds like the the Loch Ness monster. She loses her self-control and she tries to attack Jacob. Wednesday- Later for Bella's birthday, she receives her after car which is a red Ferarri, and a small cottage in the woods not too far from the Cullen's house. Everything is okay until they take Renesme hunting and Irina, a Delali coven member sees Reneseme and thinks she is an immortal child. In the past, Immortal children caused ma** destruction and chaos in the past. Then, Alice leaves the Cullens after seeing a vision of the Volturi showing up with an army. The Cullens round up all of their friends and allies for a fight with the Volturi, which Alice predicted to be when the snow sticks the the ground. Bella also has to decipher a note left by Alice in one of her books, which she cannot tell Edward about because of Aro's ability to read minds. Bella also discovers that her power of mind-privacy has a shielding effect and she wonders if she can extend this protection to others. During the month of preparation for the Volturi, several of the vampires with quantifiable supernatural talents teach Bella how to expand the barrier. When the Volturi and Irina finally arrive, all of the vampires and the werewolves meet in a clearing in the forest.
Thursday- The Volturi discover that they has been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, the Volturi are still not satisfied to leave because they want all of the exceptionally gifted vampires to join their group. Bella's gift disables the Volturi's offensive fighters, Alec (who causes one to lose all their senses, much like numbing someone) and Jane (who creates the illusion of pain in the victim), when she shields everyone on her side. Aro, Caius and Marcus decide to vote on whether or not Renesmee will be a danger to the vampire world when she attains maturity. It is only until Alice and Jasper return that the day is truly saved. they come with another half-human, half-vampire from South America who is about one hundred fifty years-old. He and his three half-sisters (who are also half-vampire, half-human) are the children of a vampire who is creating a super race. They have never caused any danger to the vampire world. Only the male half-vampire is venomous; the female half-vampires are not. So the Volturi leave in peace. Friday- After all the chaos, Bella and Edward return to their cottage and put Nessie to bed. And the book has a true happy ending as Bella places her hands on Edward's cheeks and tries to push away her shield. She has been secretly practicing for this moment. She thinks of all of her special memories that she wants to share with Edward. He is finally able to see for the first time just how deeply she has always loved him. and the Twilight Series comes to a close with: