Translated by Maria Xu Copyright@ In3 胜利就在眼前 而你却看不到胜利! T(Teacher)(Read from the textbook):Victory is before us But you could never see the victory! 多么的令人遗憾啊 匪军官狞笑地说 T:What a pity! Bandit soldier grins hideously 二排长面对高高举起的屠刀 他双眼喷火 目光带着微笑 把轻蔑的视线投向刽子手 枪响了! T:Facing the high hold sword, Second Platoon leader has fires and smiles in his eyes, and throws his vision with contempt to the headsman The gun shots 哎 老师 老师 敌人抓住咱们几个人啊? S(Student):Hello Teacher Teacher How many our people have the enemy caught? 他 是单数还是复数? S:Is is an odd number or an even number? 我怎么觉得好像有三双眼睛望着敌人 S:Why I feel like there are three pairs of eyes staring at the enemy? (哈哈哈…) (All students):(HAHAHA…) 这只是一种修辞方法 表现了革命者既无畏 又愤怒 同时充满革命乐观主义 T:It is only a rhetoric, which shows that revolutionary is not only angry, but also fearless, meanwhile full of the revolutionary optimism 哦 老师 那您能这么看我一眼吗? S:Oh Teacher So may you show me and star at me like that? (哈哈哈…) (All Students):(Hahaha…) 马车同学 请你不要影响课堂纪律 有问题 可以下课后啊 到办公室找我交换看法 T:Student Mache, Please do not ruin the cla** discipline If you have any question You can come to my office and share your opinion with me after school 我就是有一点好奇 不知道这三种眼神怎么一起使 S:I am just curious. I don't know how these three-eye-expressions work together (哈哈哈…) (All students):(Hahaha...) 有的同学就是爱显示自己 好像自己比谁都聪明 不要一瓶不满 半瓶子晃当 以为谁都不如你 T:Some people really like to show off, acting like he is smarter than anyone. Abottledissatisfaction,halfbottlecrash. Do not think no one is better than you 这种自以为是的态度啊 老师最不喜欢 T:Such self-righteousness Teacher dislikes it most 这种人啊 将来也没什么出息 T:Such person has no success in the future 哎 到底是谁一瓶不满 半瓶子晃当 最爱显示自己啊 S:Sigh Who the hell is the one that is “Abottledissatisfaction,halfbottlecrash”, likes to show off? 你不愿意听讲可以出去啊! T:If you do not want to listen to my cla** You can just leave! 不出去 我也不爱听讲! S:No! I don't want to leave and I don't want to listen to your cla**, ether 我现在请你出去! T:Now I ask you to leave! 嗯~ 吆 IN3:En~ Yo 我有权坐在这课堂里头 我交了学费啦! I have the right to sit in this cla** I have paid the tuition! 想让我尊重你 你得先学会尊重别人 You want me to respect you You need to learn to respect others first 冤枉我的事我他妈永远不能承认 I would never f**ing admit things that are treated unjustly 没收我的东西我他妈都不要了 I do not f**ing want those things that have been confiscated(by teacher) 跟别人都没事 我跟你只有仇恨 It is nothing to do with others. I just hate you 你丫上课忘了词就说是让我气的 You f**ing forget words in cla** and say its because I make you mad 你扔了我的书包这事我永远记得 I would always remember the time you throw my schoolbag away 对你有偏见是因为我没换过座位 I have opinions on you because I have never been arranged to another seat 一年四季挨着垃圾桶说话能不脏么 Sitting next to the trash bin four seasons every year How could I not speak dirtily? 黑板上的裂缝就是我砸的 I made that crack on the blackboard 你喝的每口水里他妈都有我的唾沫 Every f**ing sip of water you drink everyday has my saliva 成天没事干就会趴小窗户偷看 Have nothing to do everyday and only know to peek secretly through the small window 我就盼你揪我出去然后让我滚蛋 I am expecting you to pull me out and ask me to get out 找不着凶手的逼事都往我头上安 Things like unable finding the murderer you blame on me 一年攒了一堆检查还给我处分通知单 I wrote a pile of self-criticism letters You still give me disciplinary tickets 你说你为人师表出学校门就随地吐痰 You said you are a model for others but you spit everywhere once you step out of the school gate
就会腆着个逼脸 给我爸打电话 你不要脸 Only know to make the puking face Calling my father You do not want your face! 无能的表现 It only shows your incompetence 你要什么都行 别碰我CD机你妈了个逼 You can ask anything But Do Not f**ing touch my CD player 我就上课听歌 我乐意! I listen to the music in cla** because I want to! 嗯~ 吆 En~ YO 我就上语文课写数学作业 I want to write math homework in chinese cla** 作业本上画个大鸡巴纯为了发泄 Drawing a big dick on the homework book only for abreaction 只有高年级小姐姐进入了我的世界 Only when higher grades girl entering my world 我才知道什么叫温柔和体贴 Did I understand what is patience and care 知道你是年级组长给你留点儿面子 I leave some face to you because I know you are the grade dean 全办公室的老师都知道你丫是一个骗子 All teachers in the office know you are a f**ing lier 人家都坐板凳你丫非得垫一垫子 They all sit on the chair but you f**ing put a cusion on it 明明开卷考试说我作弊撕了我的卷子 It is open notes test and you say I am cheating and tear down my paper 瞧你丫那操型!借着更年期 跟我蛋逼! Look at your f**ing figure! f**ing with me saying you are in climacterium 回家操自己吧! Go back home and f** yourself! 操自己!嗯~吆 f** yourself! En~ Yo 我在学校外面干的都是你丫不敢想的 What I do out of school is all that you dare not to think about 上课两分钟我接个下茬堵了你的嗓子 Two minutes after the cla** begins I raise this topic and s** your voice 我的作业从来不判 全他妈是2分 My homework has never been looked but all graded f**ing 2 points 其实除了体育老师 都是狗娘养的 Actually expect P.E teacher, all are son of b**hes 当年骂过我的话现在全都还你 All the words you abused me in past years now I give them back to you 不是我小心眼儿 是你根本不讲理 I am not narrow-minded It is you that is unreasonable 我讲的段子当时全学校都流行 My jokes are popular all over the school 你说的笑话只能逗乐你自己 The joke you told could only amuse yourself 周末弄补习班就是为了骗钱吧 Having weekend tutoring is only for making money 罚我站着听讲我就当锻炼身体 Punishing me to stand still in your cla** I see it exercise 说我写的作文没味儿还不如放屁 You say my essay has no taste and it is worse than a sh** 跟流氓打架我冲在前面是因为我讲义气 Fighting with rogue I am always the first one because I know the loyalty to my brotherhood 其实好多好老师值得你去学习 Actually many good teachers worth you to learn from 人家比你牛逼多了也没凡人不理 They are much better than you and they are not like you who is not interested in anyone 讲课就讲课 别胡逼! Lecture for the sake of lecturing Do not be co*ky 学生花钱上学不是来这儿看您抽疯发脾气 Students paid money to come to school is not for watching you losing your temper and acting crazy 对我好的老师我发自内心地尊重 I respect those teachers who are good to me from my heart 阴三儿代表所有同学向你们表示致敬 In3 represents all the students showing best regards to you all 我听说你得了病 更年期性骚动 I heard you are sick- Climacterium disorder 我比你狠多了 秽语综合征 I am sicker than you - Bad words disorder 咱俩都说中文说得也不是一水平 Our chinese is not on the same level 您都快被我气疯了 我还是那么冷静 You are driven mad by me But I am still very calm 你儿子托我爸找工作是吧 Your son asks my father to find him a job Right? 不可能!操!他是我爸! No way! fu*k! He is my father! 老陈他向着我! Old Chen favors me! 嗯~ 吆 En~ Yo 记得! Remember! 多管闲事多吃屁! 少管闲事少拉稀! Mind other people's business and eat sh**! 你丫这个变态!收礼的时候你笑得很灿烂啊? You f**ing wicked! You smile so gloriously when you receive the gift? 妈了个逼!呀! Mother f**er! Ya! 都得死! All die! 妈了个逼! Mother f**er ...妈妈妈妈.....了了了了...个个个个...逼逼逼逼 Mmmmm.. ffff….u.ccc…kk.....