[Yelling At Cats] No jobs at all in our town of Canterlot Things are too pricy - Oxygen has to be bought Celestia's taxes have got us bent #OccupyEquestria - we're the 99 percent Start a sit-in at SugarCube Corner Get a job or be lazy, we prefer the former Pinkie Pie's too poor to break the fourth wall I think it's happened before, if you can recall Things are f**ed up. A lot of ponies are dying I'd tell you things would get better but I'm not good at lying I guess we're different though. We're ponies, you know Don't believe us? Go look at the ratings for the show! Applejack can't be a**ed bucking no more Things used to be so much better before Rarity thinks her f**ing rock is a diamond Hey, move over Spike, Tom is moving in Twilight can't even afford a book No chefs - Sweetie Belle is forced to cook Rainbow Dash has gone mad, she's sleeping with colts Because Spitfire got laid off; no more Wonderbolts! Fluttershy can't even afford her nursery Screamed at the repo 'you're going to love me' I know y'all are feeling vexed and perplexed No time to explain though cause the chorus is next [Chorus- Scriber] Occupy Equestria Overthrow Celestia Occupy Equestria Overthrow Celestia [Scriber] Celestia and Luna, being a buncha lame ducks f**ing Quills and Sofas ain't had sofas for months The economy's a travesty, it's sad, you see, we're mad, you see We Occupy Equestria, we muthaf**in' bad, you see Best respect, we representin', bronies, ponies in conventions And may I have your attention; prep your brains for retention Scriber, Yelling at cats up on the mic, don't hate You best believe we're gonna love and tolerate Yeah - slow it down for a bit I'm the guy you cannot miss It is my sincerest wish that You learn something from all this I'm a Lambo, you're a FIAT I'm the boss-man, you're the beey-atch Vinyl Scratch is best pony, best not forget Blue and white mane, bob, back up to clip Right! We occupying Hoofington and Trottingham Canterlot and Ponyville, up in Bitsburgh, man Got a lot to do, got to have ponies to do it We're the bronies throwin' bricks through your Establishment
Five down, one to go, Scriber wants you all to know Scriber's wack like Jack Black havin a big mac attack, it's a fact, too slow So put your hoof down and draw up a sign And come meet me and Cats out there on the picket line [Yelling At Cats] f**in' AJ can't engineer no more Got laid off, now he works at a convenient store Hyper's relationship with Fluttershy is complicated He pressed for an*l, did I mention it was complicated? D-Pad doesn't even f**ing interview He goes as a gay p**nstar and made his debut Fox-Trot went broke and sold his fez Draws attention to himself, cause he always says "Oh hi guys, look, I'm so random." Loves the attention. He does it in tandem With PRiSON cause they talk about dick and sh** When confronted they lower shades and say, "Deal with it." Circuit Mane can't even find his brain He doesn't notice it, but it's obvious he's gone insane And then there's Gamma Ray who is gay for clarity Hey b**h, how's it feel being shipped with Rarity? Tigan sells his fanfics for crack Scribbler, nah, won't mention him on this track Making fun of him is A Dream Come True The Brony Show? You're better off on BronyNews CrimsonTheWolf, I went to the aftershow sh** was so boring, I fell asleep you know I've said a lot of harsh sh**, but I can be crueler The Brony Show needs to be about 20% cooler [Chorus- Scriber] [Yelling At Cats] Alex S's Dubstep is f**ing atrocious Like Trixie's magical feats; it's hocus-pocus Tombstone? What the f** did you do? You even made the solo for A Party With Pinkie too? TH89's Pony Swag hit the top charts All his raps sound like a chorus of my f**ing farts Sethisto's gone mad, he now likes Twilight I think "Equestria Girls" was ED's only highlight PinkiePieSwear, f**ing make me a beat So people will listen to my raps and go "Hey, this is neat!" Joseco, you're famous? I don't believe it's true If you're so famous how come even I haven't heard of you? I gotta make a shoutout to OceanLord I've never read a fanfic that has made me so bored Here, I'll write a letter. Dear Princess Celestia Today I talked sh** and I #OccupiedEquestria