BEANHEAD'S PART - 'A Meal for Many - Chapter 1.' INT.KITCHEN.POV SHOT FROM THE INSIDE OF THE CUPBOARDS [0 -3 mins] We see Mickey reaching into the hole in the wall, cheap roll up ciggarete in his mouth. He is covered in plaster and what not, as he has broken into the wall to extract the guns. He is pulling out various items. He pulls out and hands back some pistols and grenades. He checks each one and throws them down behind him. He pulls out some wads of money and holds them up, inspecting them. Behind him we can see a dripping fluid. Mickey reaches into the cupboard and pulls out a chrome desert eagle with fancy detailing. He wipes it off. Lovingly, caressing the detailing and placing it into a gun holder by the side of his belt. He stands up,bags the money and grenades. We track him from the room as he carries the bags to the door. He drops one of the bags and pulls the gun. As he co*ks it, the camera pans round and we are staring directly into the face of the victim, nailed or tied to the wall. blows out a load of smoke, directly into the man's face. 'What the f** is wrong with you man? Are you a f**ing animal? Jesus Christ, that was disgusting.' Mickey wipes down the front of his jacket, the blood staining his hands and starts dripping onto the floor. The sit in the cafe, staring at the people opposite them. The small man smiles confidently as the camera pans up. It continues panning up as we see what we thought was a black wall is actually someones torso. The camera keeps panning and we see the face of the man. He is huge, looking directly into the eyes of the two men. 'First, we are gonna come in.' and through the smoke,we hear and see the group 'Acapella Soul' siging. Don't Quit Your Day-job INT. NOT SO ABANDONED ABANDONED BUILDING - AFTERNOON The camera focuses in on a tough looking group of British thugs. They are all heavily armed and dressed in matching cream colored suits. Two hold uzis, one has a revolver, another has a sawed off shotgun and so on. Their leader ORREN, is front and center, pumping his shotgun, his face screwed up like an incensed pitbull. ORREN (co*kney) Come out ere' you gobby wazzocks! ORREN fires a burst through the door in front of him. The camera follows the bullets through the door and shifts to the other side of the door, revealing ACE and ANDY. ACE is taking cover behind a pillar as the volley blows past his face. ANDY is on the floor, nearly in the fetal position. He has his index fingers pressed into his ears, his eyes down and closed behind his reading gla**es, back pressed against the wall. ACE is a veteran on the force, of about six or seven years, coming in at just under thirty years old. He has short brown hair, a perpetually amused grin on his face and a tall athletic frame. ANDY is new to the force, an excellent recruit having pa**ed all his tests with flying colors. He's average height, with short black hair and a skinny build. This is the first time he's ever been shot at. ANDY (Panicky) They're...they're shooting at us. ANDY has to shout over all the bullets flying through the wall towards them. ANDY I think they're actually trying to k** us. ACE Yeah, and you're making it real easy for them. ACE dodges under a bullet and makes his way over to ANDY, pulling him to his feet and staring him right in the face. The bullets stop for a second as the goons reload. After a short pause, bullets start flying again. ACE You got a gun right? ANDY draws his pistol and holds it up to ACE. ACE draws twin combat pistols with extended clips. ACE You like movies Andy? ANDY (Confused beyond belief) What? ACE Do you like movies kid? ANDY Sure I like movies. ACE Good, then this will make a lot more sense. ACE grabs ANDY by the jacket. ACE Welcome to the party pal! ACE throws ANDY towards the door. ANDY stumbles through the door shoulder first, and by the time he looks up, all the goons are looking at him. The room is dead quiet. ORREN Well ain't that a clanger. ORREN smiles viciously. All the goons raise their weapons and pull the trigger. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. Every single goon has run through another clip and needs to reload. ANDY raises his gun, arms shaking. ANDY Everyone freeze... A torrent of shots ring out from behind the goons. The bullets slam through the back of their skulls k**ing them instantly, except for the bullet shot at ORREN. That particular bullet tears through the back of his leg, causing him to cry out in pain and drop to one knee. ACE is standing in the back of the room, having come in the other side, guns raised. He lowers them as ORREN tries to run, but cannot and instead collapses on the floor. ANDY is glaring at ACE, incredulous. ANDY What the hell was that? You shoved me into a room full of armed gunmen. ACE waves this off as he makes his way towards ORREN, kicking the shotgun away from him. ACE Relax, I counted the shots. ANDY (Confused) You counted the shots? ACE Yeah. And I knew these guys had no more than two or three bullets left when I sent you through the door. ANDY isn't comforted by this. In fact, the comment has quite the opposite effect. ANDY Two or three? ACE shrugs it off once again. ACE It worked didn't it? ANDY (Indignant) Next time you're going to put me in the line of fire like that can you at least give me some kind of warning. ACE ignores this and turns his focus to ORREN, hoisting him up by the back of his shirt and beginning to put handcuffs on him. ORREN lets out a string of curses as ACE handles him. ACE (to Andy) You want to Miranda this guy? ANDY'S frown fades and his ears prick up, excitedly. ANDY Really? ACE Sure. Then come meet me in the back to look at the dead guy. ANDY There's a dead guy? ACE nods, causing ANDY to frown again. The camera follows ACE as he turns and walks away. ANDY can be heard reading ORREN his rights as ACE walks back through the door he entered through into a long hallway. At the end of the hallway, SOME POOR ba*tard is sitting up against the wall, dead, chest peppered with bullet holes. Blood is seeping into his Hawaiian shirt through the holes. His eyes stare blankly up at the ceiling. As ACE makes his way towards SOME POOR ba*tard and crouches down to examine his wounds and the bullet casings near him, ANDY enters the hall and walks up next to ACE. ANDY sees the body and his face screws up like he just ate a handful of sour Skittles. ACE looks up at ANDY, appropriately dour. ACE Where's the perp? ANDY Backup is here, I left him with them. ACE (Sarcastic) Backup, just in the nick of time. ACE picks up one of the bullet casings and examines it closely, standing up. He turns to ANDY, holding out the bullet shell. ACE (Schwarzenegger) Uzi. Nine millimeter. ANDY Two of the guys out there had uzis. ACE How much you want to bet its a match? ACE slides the shell into his pocket, turning and starting to leave the building. ANDY tails him. ANDY Wait where are you going? ACE (Matter of factly) I'm going to find out why they k**ed this guy. Cut to INT. INTERROGATION - LATER ACE and ANDY view ORREN through the two way mirror as he sits unfazed in interrogation. ACE So you want to try the old good cop bad cop? ANDY (Excitedly) Sure. I'll be the bad cop. ACE shoots ANDY a surprised look, crossing his arms, unsure that ANDY can pull it off. ACE You want to be the bad cop? Close up of ANDY'S beaming face. ANDY Trust me Ace, I got this. Smash cut to ACE and ANDY both sit in interrogation across from ORREN. ACE is thumbing through ORREN'S file. ANDY is staring straight at ORREN, head co*ked at a forty-five degree angle, stone face. ORREN doesn't seem particularly impressed. ACE Okay Orren Clarke, any chance you want to tell us who paid you and your gang to pump two full clips into Wilson Meyers? ACE looks up from the file into ORREN'S face. ORREN remains unimpressed and intent not to say anything. ACE Listen Clarke, it doesn't look good for you from where I'm sitting. You might want to consider cooperation. ORREN still won't budge. He turns to ANDY and motions curiously. ORREN What's the deal with this one ere'? ANDY (Whisper) Don't make me stab you in the
jugular. ACE and ORREN struggle to hear ANDY. ORREN What you say there? ANDY (Shouting) DON'T MAKE ME STAB YOU IN THE JUGULAR! ACE looks at ANDY like he's a complete idiot. ANDY'S gaze is still set on ORREN. A wry smiles creeps into the corner of ORREN'S mouth. ANDY stands up emphatically and gets into ORREN'S face, crouching down to yell at his level. ANDY You think that's funny? We'll see how funny it is when you're locked up in county. You know what they'll do to... CRACK! ORREN head bu*ts ANDY, causing ANDY to reel back and fall on the ground, knocking over his chair. ANDY grabs his nose, wailing in pain. ORREN'S smile is gone. ACE looks first at ANDY on the ground, then at ORREN, mirthless and out of patience. ACE stands up and draws his gun, checking to make sure it's loaded, then putting it in ORREN'S face. ORREN Hate to disappoint you there plod but this ain't exactly the first time someone's put a gun in my face. ACE But I'll bet this will be the first time they use it. ORREN and ACE are locked in a stare off. ORREN doesn't seemed fazed at all. ACE is impossible to read. ORREN Am I supposed to believe you're really going to blow my head off like this? ACE The only reason I didn't put that first bullet through your head is because I thought you might be useful. Clearly I was wrong. ORREN You aren't going to do a thing. ACE I bet your friends would disagree. By this time, ANDY is done wallowing in pain, and looks up from the floor to see the situation. ANDY decides he should play along. ANDY (Worried) Jesus Ace not again. What did the Chief say last time, if you're going to shoot someone at least take them out back first. ACE looks over to ANDY, and for just a second it seems like he smiles before his expression firms again. ORREN looks over too. For the first time he seems a bit worried. ANDY I'll tell you one thing, I'm sick of trying to get the blood off the walls. You know how hard it is to do that? No. You don't. Because all you do is shoot people and then storm out of here to watch Bad Boys Two on Netflix again. ORREN Hold on now... ANDY This isn't Bad Boys Ace. Think of the consequences for once. You can't shoot all your problems! ACE shoots a look over at ANDY, then back to ORREN, contemplating his next move, gun steady in ORREN'S face. ACE That sounds like a challenge Andy. The distinct sound of ACE'S gun being co*ked can be heard. ORREN ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! ACE and ANDY go silent as they watch ORREN. He wipes a solitary bead of sweat off of his brow ORREN I'll tell ya' what happened. ACE lowers his gun and smiles, turning to ANDY who has made his way to his feet, then back to ORREN. ACE Well let's hear it then. THE NEW AGE'S PART INT. A ROOF TOP A group of people are gathered around. Matt, who was a genuinely good guy, looked at the people he thought were his friends, Christian and Anne. It turned out they were just schemers, con artists. He shook his head in utter disbelief. Right before him was the biggest criminal in the city, a man named Tom, someone he and his fellow officer, Denzel (who was also a mentor to him), had desperately tried tracking down. Tom had a partial smile on his face, he was a confident and co*ky person. And why shouldn't he be? He had a lot of power for a criminal. It was all about connections. TOM (to Anne and Christian) Search him. Matt didn't resist. How could he? There was no one here to help him. Christian searched him, while Anne pointed a gun at him, making sure there was no resistance. All Christian found was Matt's gun and his cell phone. Now there was no way he could get in contact with the department or Denzel. He feared for Natalie's, his fiancee, life. He also thought about his brother, Joe, who was a rookie cop as well as his fiancee, Scarlett. The camera zooms in on Matt's face, full of confusion and disbelief, as he looks at Christian and Anne, and then at Tom. Fade out to the title. Fade in to a club one night. Denzel and Matt are going undercover, and just get out of their car after listening on radio to a World Series game occurring that same night. They walk into the club, where a few Drake tracks are being played, and head over to the bar. The club's owner, Robert, immediately notices them and walks over. DENZEL One of Tom's men made a hit again tonight. Is he here? ROBERT I honestly don't know. MATT (a bit impatient) Don't play this game. You know when exactly this dude is in your club because of that vibe. ROBERT If you think I'm covering up or somehow involved... DENZEL We know, we know. Just answer a simple question. Is he here? ROBERT He's usually in the back room. MATT He's in your club. It's your club. Why the hell don't you tell him to get out? ROBERT (to Denzel) I don't appreciate being talked to like this. Your friend here has to tone it down a bit. DENZEL He's asking the right questions. ROBERT (not missing a beat) Ah. Well, you and your confrontational friend get to go home early. MATT Why is that? ROBERT He's not here. Didn't show up today. MATT Yeah? ROBERT Look, I don't know what you're a**uming, but I'm not a criminal. I'm just a club owner, and if you'll allow me, I'd like to head back to work. Denzel turned to Matt, nodded, and headed out. MATT He's a bit sketchy. DENZEL Nah, he was just defensive, and he had a right to be. MATT My bad. DENZEL No need to say 'my bad', you were doing your job and he was doing his. Now let's go catch the game. As soon as they got back in the car, Matt received a call from his brother, Joe. MATT Joe, what's up? JOE Another murder. You catch Tom over there? Cause Mike and I just got here in time. MATT Nah, we didn't. Listen, where are you guys? JOE We're on the corner of South Street. MATT Alright, hold up, we'll be there. Matt put down the phone, expecting Denzel to start driving. DENZEL Who's 'we', my dude? I got a World Series game to catch. MATT True... DENZEL (just joking and easing into a smile) South Street, he said? MATT Yeah, another murder. Guessing it's one of Tom's guys again. DENZEL Let me get a few things straightened out first... MATT (cutting him off) Denzel, we have to head out now. DENZEL Hold up there, chief. Is the body still gonna be there in five minutes when we get there? MATT You never know in this town. DENZEL Come on, now. The body will still be there. Your brother and my son know what they're doing. They're big boys. See how your brother called you for help while my son just relaxed? You can't go through life constantly jumpy. Seriously, you gotta loosen up. And next of all, there's no conclusive evidence that it is Tom or his 'men'... MATT (cutting him off again) That's because they always screw with the evidence that will lead to their arrests. Plus, even if they are arrested, there's no real harm that can come to them. He has a lot of friends in high places and you know, Denzel, it's all about connections. DENZEL Am I allowed to speak now? MATT Sure. DENZEL No, am I allowed to speak now? MATT (shaking his head, yet a bit confused) Sure, man. Speak your mind. DENZEL Alright. Thank you. I will repeat. We have no conclusive evidence that Tom has caused any of this. Right now, it's pure and utter speculation and conspiracy theories, until we find conclusive evidence. I've been in this business longer than you have, at least a few years. I even have a son that's an officer. I'm comfortable with what I'm doing. If you're constantly jumpy, then where's the fun in what you're doing? MATT We've been partners in the force for a long time, but we handle things completely different, because we're two different people. DENZEL Come on, Matt, that's no excuse. Just relax. Don't k** yourself over everything. MATT (shrugging the last comments off) We really should be heading to South Street. DENZEL (having a partial smile) Look at me. Matt, look at me. Matt turns and looks at him, clearly irritated. DENZEL Relax. MATT But... DENZEL Matt, relax. MATT Can we just... DENZEL Count to ten, and take a breather. Matt does this. DENZEL Alright. He starts driving to South Street.