"Doom hath struck me I must escape fro' my dream" The lord of chaos lifted his malediction Upon mine one who denied his regal His magic power ensorcelled m' avision I must burst away from this wall" "A continuous fall through the vortex of time Landin' in a place to my eyes unknown A stoned metropolis past its prime Beshrewed to perdition, what lies beyond?" Frozen with awe I stand in stillness The city seems an apparition Is this an illusion; Fata Morgana! I'm bathed in mystery Ma**ive tall pillars of stone, begrimed by time The wind hisses smoothly, this whistling silence besings the tune o' d**h
O' d**h "The star gemmed dome of heaven spawns light on my way My feet carry me through these frowning portals of the aged doom-polis Amongst blocks of colossal ash-grey stones and monstrous marbled statues Antiquities of an old past, to man unknown Unknown" Prowlin', explorin' with great aplomb Where time hung heavy here No handwork of man but creation of gods Ruined metropolis, before my eyes No handwork of man but creation of gods Ruined metropolis before my eyes 'fore my eyes