Fading candlelight. A little ink in the pen. A page remains After all this time, I'm still amazed. We fall for the same things over and over again The past has a way of clawing back into our day Rips and tears into our hearts and we keep repeating history I got my mother's eyes. And my father's work I wonder what our sons and daughters will have of ours I hope it's not my pride, lies, or lack of remorse Please let it be only the best in me, however little it may seem The scariest thing is not dying before you reach your dreams But reaching them and still feeling dead Live your life in light of history and eternity d**h can teach us how to live our lives with clarity Life flies by in the blink of an eye Did you rise in these days? Or did you fall for old lies? In the end, chin high. Stare d**h in its eye Tell it you lived for something more than your own life
The scariest thing is not dying before you reach your dreams But reaching them and still feeling dead Live your life in light of history and eternity d**h can teach us how to live our lives with clarity To my little one, someday You have my heart forever. I am with you always These songs I wrote for you. Please learn from my mistakes My eyes have yet to see paradise, though this world tried to convince me otherwise When I'm gone please keeps my words close to your heart and carry on Keep your faith. Fix your eyes. The one who sees you to the bottom loves you to the skies Tear a hole in the sky, bring heaven to earth, make the world's collide. Make the world's collide We all die young, but d**h, where is your sting? Like Johnny said, ain't no grave gonna hold your body down. Godspeed