In the darkness of seclusion
She appears when he's alone
For God sent him an angel
For the worthy never lie
She will prey
There is no wait for tomorrow
She'll be here
He can't hide any more
The pain in the heart of desire
She stays and steals his love
He cries, all is lost in her beauty
His gilded heart
Dance the rapture ballet
In the light of desperation
Through a love he's never known
By a measure of seduction
For his God he must betray
She will prey
There is no wait for tomorrow
She'll be here
He can't hide any more
The pain in the heart of desire
She stays and steals his love
He cries, all is lost in her beauty
His gilded heart
Dance the rapture ballet
His soul
Rotting faith displayed to see
To show
Heed her wicked way
Her veil
Her ploy
Voice the tongue of evil's lie
No truth
Just hope
His love to betray