[Verse 1] I got myself in this predicament dig it You can get it in Genesis how I sinned against the infinite Kicking it in my wickedness and now my wicked heart Is full of blemishes in the thick of it I thought I was sick of it Look, so my heart was set on fixing it But I didn't realize that I didn't know how to get rid of it My soul was dirty from sin and it needed purging And cleansing so I turned to religion "That's what I need, I'll live better than the rest And indeed, my soul will be zestfully clean" I thought morality would be the soap, nope That was a fallacy now I see my mentality was a joke Left in my pain I still got a connection with shame Still we are filthy and guilty and the question remains The same, I'm wretched and lame, it dominates within I don't know what in the world could wash away my sins [Hook] What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus [Verse 2] I was so expecting to be made clean by morality But Romans 7:18 is reality "And with a soul full of dirt I'm cursed Unless I put first good works and get into a good church And I should preach think about all the gods I'd reached And teach cause I'm wise this could be my Tide with bleach" Nope, that didn't cleanse, it only led me to pretend Within, meaning it kept me of my sins (a dirty soul) I felt wiping it was simple task but to God
My self righteousness was a dirty menstrual pad All I could say about trying religion Is that it's like cleaning the outside of your dishes Dig it: it's not good enough, religion doesn't do enough To cleanse, I can't do enough to loosen up my sins And get them off my heart, man, I gotta say again: I don't know what in the world could wash away my sins [Hook] [Refrain] And I'm singing oh, precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No other fount I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus [Verse 3] It's like my heart is in the shower trying to scrub But God isn't pleased cause obviously it isn't powerful enough To deal with sin-stain going insane in the membrane I've been drained trying to cleanse sin and I'm in pain Knowing that I didn't clean myself and I needed help Jesus knelt down before the Father and agreed to bleed To meet the sheep's need we needed to be cleaned We were filled with nothing nice but the blood of Christ Is sufficient enough to cleanse us and give in us a sinless Position until He finishes up what He started My wickedness scuffed me up, given me blemishes but His generous love erupted in my heart then I finally saw that Jesus' blood is the only thing That can get my soul to bling holy and clean And give it a righteous glow, now I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus is able to wipe my soul White as snow [Hook] [Refrain]