LAUNCELOT discovered seated almost naked amid swineherds. (LAUNCELOT sings.) Once there was a castle hall, Fair, fair to see; Armored dight, and splendored all, Filled with shout o' revelry. Came the hosts o' fate and rage, Thundered on its walls amain. Sunken now like ruined age, Never laughs its light again. I loved a Queen and she loved me. Aye, that were long ago! Come now, wrack! come now, woe! Strike now, lightning! beat now, snow! Memory, I'll ha' none o' thee! Ha! ha! Cowards, who'll fight? (rises) Ha! ha! Enter a Knight. Knight. Who be this? 1st Swineherd. Him be mad, though him hurt us not, for us be soft wi' him. Him tend a'swine. 2nd Swineherd. Him mun fight, but us not answer. Him be o'er hulk a man twa hanle a staff. LAUN. Winds are cold and flowers are dead. All is past, past! Knight. Ho, there! who be thou? LAUN. 'Tis an old world, an old, old world, I tell thee truth. I loved a queen, but that be long past. Knight. His wits be dull.—Who art thou, fellow? LAUN. It hath been never summer this many a year. Canst tell me why? Knight. 'Tis summer now, thou fool! LAUN. Nay, nay, 'tis but winter. I loved a queen— Knight. Oh, damn thy queen! who art thou? LAUN. Yea, damn all queens, I am with thee, friend,— wilt thou fight? Knight. Not with thee. LAUN. Curse thee! thou shalt! Knight. I tell thee I won't. LAUN. Then, damn thee, take that! [Knocks him down. Knight. Oh! oh! I am murdered! LAUN. More! more! Enter GWAINE. GWA. Ha! at last, it seemeth! 1st Swineherd. Have care, master! Him be dread. GWA. How long hath he been like this? 2nd Swineherd. 'Tis some time agone. At first him did tear the earth. An' bite hisself, but him be better now. LAUN. I chased the moon, the silly moon, Ahind a willard tree. I knocked the stars like ninepins down, One, two, three. I loved a queen. Ha, ha! 'tis winter.
GWA. And this be he, the best o' Arthur's Court, A ragged ninny, mouthing wanton froth, The sport o' pig-folk; this be love's good work? O Love! thou hast much to answer! 1st Swineherd. Him want allus twa foight. GWA. Yea, he spoileth for a bout; 'tis often a right cure, I will try it. God give it may bring him round! (to LAUNCELOT) Ho, there, fellow! LAUN. Ho thyself, windbag. Thou hast a fine voice, friend; Canst thou call back memory? GWA. Yea, I can. LAUN. Canst thou find springtime? I loved, I loved— GWA. Oh, damn love—dost thou know me? LAUN. Know thee? know thee? I know thou art a man. Wilt thou fight, friend? GWA. With a merry good-will. LAUN. Then let's to't. [GWAINE takes a quarterstaff; they fight hard and long. GWAINE belabors LAUNCELOT on the head, back and shoulders. Ha! it raineth thoughts now. Come on, Hell, come on! GWA. Yea, am I coming. (hits him harder) If I beat that fool's love out o' him I will do him a good deed. How's that, and that? LAUN. And that, and that? [Both fight till exhausted. GWA. Launcelot, dost know thyself now? LAUN. Methinks I partly do, under a cloud. GWA. And dost thou know me? LAUN. Methinks thou art the moon. GWA. Fiends take this love! If I be the moon thou shalt find me no honeymoon. [Hits him again; they fight fiercer. LAUN. Come on, thou art welcome. Oh! GWA. Well, dost thou know me yet? LAUN. Methinks thou art one named Gwaine. Oh, my bones! GWA. Be this winter? LAUN. I be warm now? GWA. An' dost thou love a queen? LAUN. What mean'st thou? GWA. I would rid thee of this damned love. LAUN. Then wouldst thou rid me of this life. Gwaine, thou art a noble soul, but thou canst not do that. GWA. Art thou thyself now? LAUN. Methinks I am—Yea, I have been mad. GWA. Yea, and I have cured thee. Come, this be no place. Let us go. [Exeunt both. CURTAIN.