Every time I dream big, you get scared How could anything I do have consequence to your life? I would say you open yourself up to vulnerability But you just gave into fear We all saw it Better yet, we felt it Why are you speaking to me all of a sudden? It's almost been a year, and I'm madder than you The reasons I love you are the reasons they hate you You ran away because I don't think anyone has shown you unconditional love before I honestly don't want you around because I want to move forward, but to be honest, I'll probably love you forever I said I would I feel like I've aged several years in the past few months I've had to make too many important decisions Sacrifice things I've loved Forgotten my own voice in hopes of finding a new one
I've been too vulnerable too often that I'm stuck that way All I know is that I'm gonna lift the bar higher than anyone's lifted it before It's like i'm hit in the face with a brick of reality every morning As soon as I start going, I refuse to let myself quit I need to improve more than anyone else If you're not helping the cause, you're not doing much good, are you? You better hop on now before you get stuck on the bandwagon I'm very happy to have people like you in my life You have no real reason to listen to me, but you do I'm not sure how to explain it, but I just realized I'm never really alone, and I cry all the time now I'm really human