I ain't got no back porch, I ain't got no rockin' chair I've got a dirty coat got shaky hands and a face like a grizzly bear I'm an old wino I scare all the ladies you might say that I'm a bum But I'm sure wired up to that Honky Red and that good Gold Anchor rum When I need a drink I'm chained to a sink It's "please" and "thank you, ma'am." When I get a head full of Honky Red I don't give a good god-damn Well I fought in your wars now I sleep in your doors I left my leg in Iraq All that remains is this ghostly pain when the mornings get too damp I was born in the sticks and I got to grade 6 so I ain't much in demand I deliver handbills and I steal red pills For the boys in the who*e-house band When I need a drink I'm chained to a sink
It's "please" and "thank you, ma'am." When I get a head full of Honky Red I don't give a good god-damn When I need a drink I'm chained to a sink It's "please" and "thank you, ma'am." When I get a head full of Honky Red I don't give a good god-damn I got me a girl I see sometimes now she's damn near half a ton I got me a furnished room at the Joyceville Pen well I got me a no-good son I'll keep me a head full of Honky Red until the reaper tolls the bell If I'm as high when I die as I was When I lived I'll be in Heaven just as sure as hell When I need a drink I'm chained to a sink It's "please" and "thank you, ma'am." When I get a head full of Honky Red I don't give a good god-damn