Chorus: Drama, Drama, Drama I'm dealin' with Verse 1: So tired of the he said, she said Carryin all this weight on my back like a meathead Those lips they leak your secrets Broadcast to the world like Seacrest My life won't load lemme refresh Gotta be thick skinned got that deep flesh Put my guards up. Reflex Kobain did it… we could be next I'm so sick of being sick Talk sh** til im there than ya plead the fifth Here's my 2 cents F*** being rich Will we never set aside our indifferences? I don't trust one person not even Myself. So I choke when I try breathin' Do the same thing we claim were not pleased with Cold world I'm shocked that we're not freezin'
Chorus Verse 2: Would it change anything if you hit me? Ya life's messed would that fix it? Is me or yourself you're in a fight with? Ya fly fists everytime that you're tipsy Where does this hostility draw from? Ya got chicks on deck and they're all dumb Go get your crew ima bring mine too And well all throw down awesome (Not) guess ya on one huh? I'm comin' in like starbuck's hot I Got my vans on 6 ½ But ones comin' off its all but dropped Guess now were just waitin' on the other shoe I'm doin me screw what all the others do No drama or cla** like im outta school You don't like me? I don like ya attitude Chorus