So this is that crushing weight that I've heard so much about I've got to tear up all this pavement but it has to be well thought-out Hardened tar like a shell over my young eyes Slamming my face into the wall again tonight Trying to break the case Trying to escape and The road is laced with something a lot more dangerous than I had imagined Tell me something good Show me something better Take me to the woods Then just drag me underwater Oh, oh Underwater That's where I'll find her Oh I might need yr help this time, you guys 'cause I can't seem to remember a single moment from my whole life
Hardened tar like a shell over my young eyes Slamming my face into the wall again tonight Trying to break the case Trying to escape And the road is laced with something a lot more dangerous than I had imagined Tell me something good Show me something better Take me to the woods Then just drag me underwater Consider this the intro to the book I'll never write; Consider this the intro to the book I start tonight; I think to myself nobody will ever love you the way that I loved you But I hope they do I really, really do