I'm writin' this soundtrack for my wife 3x It's like the song of songs 2x She's my sister and my cistern/ the well that I drink from when I sense thirst/ her body is all mine and mine is her's/ yeah I said it ‘cause he said it, they're His words// She is my bride, we are His church/ though we've become one, we're one in Him first/ They say it's a ball and chain, I say they misheard/ I've never felt more free than when I'm with her// She's my good thing, proof of His mercy/ she puts up with my sin when I'm a big jerk/ and when I'm feelin' depressed she's there to encourage/ the complete opposite of what my sins earned// biblically angels have never been girls/ but that conflicts w/ the fact that God sent her/ she ain't big on them big books with big words/ but she's lovin' the text and lives scripture// she is so fly, how'd I get her/ with that natural hair, she doesn't dig perms/ plus a beautiful face and dope figure/ body modestly covered she's not a tempter// she is my crown full of splendor/ she be makin' me look good, not embarra**ed/ she's not that loud chick gettin' on men's nerves/ she knows the time and the place to voice concerns// she is my mission i was sent first/ called to show her some Christus Exemplar/ this is incarnation she can get served/ bathed for sanctification, hearin' His Word// she is my warmth in the winter/ through the seasons of life our love will endure/ divorce is not an option though it gets worse/ we've committed to many to make this work// Hook: Because Renee's got nothin' on her/ Bonita Applebum's got nothin' on her/ Ms. Fat Booty's got nothin' on her/ All the girls around the way got nothin' on her// they be k**in' ‘em still nothin' on her/ hair done, nail done, nothin' on her/ she's more than a thing i put a ring on her/ I see that Proberbs 31 steeze on her//
She is my ride or die sister/ “till d**h do us part” couldn't be simpler/ until then we gon' be gettin' it in sir/ makin' babies, disciples and much of His worth// she is my help, my a**ist-er/ Jesus made us a team to show off His works/ we Voltron on a job, she's down to get dirty/ the Lord meant for my gifts to compliment her's// she is my crystallized ginger/ she's so spicy and sweet the lines get blurred/ plus she's got some other stuff in the mixture/ a little salty and all but not bitter// she is my gift, He's Giver/ she is my priority, He's center/ He snatched me out of the matrix like Fishburne/ we're co-heirs of His grace now we're delivered// she's the misses to my mister/ the one who loves me enough to give my kids birth/ there is nobody like her here in this Earth/ she's so good for my soul, I'm seein' sins purged// when I'm love sick, she's elixir/ I can't travel too much because I miss her/ love is strong as d**h, and a little gentler/ it's a fire a flood could never quench (word)// she is my quest my adventure/ i double major in life and one of them's her/ exegeting my wife and God's scriptures/ I know I'm gonna be tested on what I just learned// I could go on write a 5th verse/ share more of His glory and His immense worth/ but I'm prayin' it's seen more in the picture/ that your view would prove these more than just words// Hook x2 I'm writin' this soundtrack for my wife 3x It's like the song of songs 2x