Souls of the damned, relinquish this world, My eyes divine, This soul's on fire, Why can you not see All, this pain, within me Why can you not see All, this pain within Sadness has won, I just can't go on Come with me or fall down trying I alone am free of sin Wicked are the ways of women Tear you heart out from within [CHORUS] All this woe inside, I can't hide These feeling they haunt me
What's to be, Is it my destiny Can't you see, all this pain, inside of me Darkness, comes into my mind..I can't go on Acceptance, embrace the despair, I can't go on I need your forgiveness, I just can't go on Can you pleasem, Forgive me Can you, please Can you forgive me, can you, can you please Can you please forgive me Can you, please Can you ,please forgive me, can you, can you please...