In this experiment You will require one: Sterilized Standardized Scientificized Owl Rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Rotate your owl for science! This lab ain't for fun so we leave our fun owls at home This lab is for science so we need a science owl We get our owls from the shelf over there at the top With the other birds that we use for science Yeah, me I prefer a peregrine hawk But every now and then you need a bird that can squawk Yeah hawks are great and eagles too But when you're dropping mad science only owls will do Ro-ro-rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Move your owl around until your break new ground Yeah, gimmie and owl I move it up I move it down
I move it side to side I move my owls with pride But if you want something more special come see me I move my owls really professionally I paid all paid all my bills for college By using all my owl rotation knowledge Come on y'all stop with the back-chatter Cause owl-based science is all that matters Ro-ro-rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Ro-ro-rotate your owl Rotate your owl for science People always ask me, what do we learn? By wobbling our owls or giving them a turn Not really much but let's be clear The owls don't care 'cause they're still living here Let's be honest what else they gonna do? Go live in a wood and eat a mouse or two? Good luck to them there's no mice round here I collected them all to feed our mutant deer