Why don't you eat something? You people, you people are getting skinnier and skinnier Publicly receding and shrinking to geometry chic Bony and pointy polygon children You read a magazine - top tips on how to look There are no positive images of weight if weight is the plot, point, plot, point, plot, point It's an achievable goal that we all should aspire to Thin is success, yes, thin is success, yeah You people, you people are getting so so thin Fast becoming miniature versions of yourselves
Obviously skeletons with hair are desirable Thin is success, thin is success Plumped in specific regions Who could accuse you off misplaced priorities? Skulls elongated and wobbling on weak necks Openly disgusted by the thought of having hips (chips) Thin is success, thin is success Eat too much, eat too little I've seen people visibly offended by hangers Their bodies so straight now that they're untangled And heaven, yeah, heaven's missing an angle Thin is success, thin is success