Calling all corpses to him in calm compelling apathy Radiate their love and relay their overwhelming pain In the fire that has been calling us all to it as he sings Head won't cut back calling safety from them They're letting it show through all the untold I'll never grow old Head bring me cold again head make me whole again Head bring me cold again head make me whole again So I won't give up and turn to the old Reform in the love that keeps me in hope It's something to show for all the I've done For all that I've learned
Now they will know I've won I've won for everyone They won't come back dragging what's left of them They won't come back dragging what's left of them They won't come back dragging what's left of them They won't come back dragging what's left of them They won't come back dragging what's left of them They won't come back dragging what's left of them Love don't leave me for dead Come back in the end to save me from this In so long we haven't felt eyes this fixed surprise Now they all know that I've won for everyone