1. Jehovah our God has wisely provided For us all, One and all, A pattern of love, that we may be guided, Lest we should fall, Lest we should fall. Come follow God's way, so warm and inviting; The way that is right, to fine works inciting; The roadway to peace, God's people uniting. God's way is love. Yes, God's way is love. 2. When we walk God's way, our love for our brother Will be true, Warm and true; Will make us alert to help one another In all we do, In all we do; Will help us forgive each small imperfection,
Will help us to have true tender affection, Will help us to be our Father's reflection, Showing our love, Our brotherly love. 3. Our love for our God impels us to serve him All our days, All our days. We gladly obey with heartfelt devotion, Singing his praise, Singing his praise. So may we proclaim his name to each hearer; May they come to see the truth ever clearer. May his service grow still dearer and dearer, For that is love. Yes, that is true love.