Interference Which way should I go? I'm a wave don't you know, On the graph paper sea. Interference Well since you're here Maybe you could help me out Cuz my minivans always breakin' down And I'm wallowing in ma**ive debt Cuz college was the biggest scam Cuz it teaches you what your money is That its blood and waste and slavery Then it cashes you're parents big checks And says you owe us $40,000 plus interest So go cash in on you're priviledge now Or let your righteous heart bleed right out onto the floor cuz
Either way Either way Either way Either way you're our slave......slave Interference Should I twist up like a water twister Leave behind a trail of Blue and green bubbles Monopoly houses And form a huge shape That they can't ignore And feel huger than everything But still be plagued by the doubt that I'm as small as a 2 liter bottle Or maybe love a converse wave And let graphs collide and motion die and I could know silence Sometimes silence comes to me Over cigarettes and tea On my lovely balcony