Shaam, Oh Shaam (x4) Our fourth Imaam, Oh you have answered The most difficult time was in Shaam Oh grandfather what should we tell you of the hardships and cruelty we suffered We were taken as displays in the streets, your family ill-treated and slandered (Oh grandfather if you could only) (x2) witness how we were abused in Shaam The women and children tormented by the image of the heads on the spears Their faces and heads were uncovered, their innocent faces in tears (Oh grandmother if you could only) (x2) look at how we were helpless in Shaam Our little Ruqayya had suffered, she longed to return to Medina After Karbala, Kufa and then Shaam; she yearned for her sister Fatema (Oh little Ruqayya we miss you) (x2) you died as a captive in Shaam
Oh uncle Abbas our defender, we were left without any protection Your courage and strength would have saved us from the tyrants who imposed affliction (But the enemies brutally k**ed you) (x2) we were prisoners here in Shaam Oh my courageous aunty Zainab, the religion of Islam was woken Your sermons brought tears to the people, because of the words that were spoken (Oh Rasulullah if you could only) (x2) listen to the way she spoke in Shaam Our beloved fourth Imaam Sajjad we pray you take this as a token From the love in our hearts for you Imaam, these letters and words have been written (Oh Bibi Zainab and Ruqayya) (x2) invite us to meet you in Shaam