Mr. Snowden definitely visited Moscow. For us, this is totally unexpected. He does not need a visa or other documents. A transit pa**enger has the right to buy a ticket or go where he wants. He has not crossed the state's border and therefore doesn't need a visa. And any accusations against Russia of aiding him are ravings and rubbish. He's in the transit hall as a transit pa**enger now. Our special services have never worked with Mr. Snowden and are not working [with him] today.
As for extradition, there is no possibility. We can hand over foreign citizens to country with which we have an appropriate international agreement on the extradition of criminals. We don't have such an agreement with the United States. Thank God, Mr. Snowden did not commit any crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation. Mr. Snowden is a free man. The sooner he chooses his final destination, the better it would be for us and for himself.