Upon the plain of Shinar Risen to the sky We build a tower to the heavens To show the earth we are gods Defiantly built on the plain A tower that none could destroy Enraged in the Heavens These humans think they are gods Building towards my eternal dominion Never will they reach me I shall strike and divide them all It is my creation and I will do as I will Creating tongues unspoken throughout their world Confusion, I created this world And now it is divided Ma** confusion Ignorance Intolerance A breeding ground for social destruction Watch them k**, for it is my will The never ending pain of confusion Omnipotent Asperity
Judgement cast down upon the human breed Fear this eternal, tyrant god Upon the plains of Shinar, the monolith rots These humans think they are gods Building towards my eternal dominion Never will they reach me I shall strike and divide them all United Peace no longer The tower stands as a cautionary tale Humanity will rise But always fail Choosing to worship this genocidal god Will bring you pain and eternal loss From the skies above A ma**ive entrance As the story tells The hand of god Reached about humanity At a genocidal cost Freedom is not for you and me Religion is mental slavery