waves of strength and angry rapture surge in scenarios where harm or gain to reproduction grows fight or flight response triggered by rules by objects sculpted by d**h's own tools like a cool blanket of cortical ma** checking burning primal coals followed by fabled hope of depraved struggle's tolls my objective faculty steers me for an odd intrusive experiment of self-deplore mental scenario - mirrors alpha glow extroverted leaps - signal energies carnivore caressed - prehensile limb expressed emergency pathway triune split
mid-region mediation, upper override quit flat skull caps indicative of agonistic schemes seeking violent conflict through self-promoting genes social primates, human children organize in hierarchies facial intimidations hint emotional anarchy these are remnants of chaos rank diagnoses serve as keys to peoples once living within reptilian societies tiny fists clenched, tugging fearlessly orange hair and scalp dangling freely wake with wasted fuel from ideal scenes scramble for seat in social Colosseum