There was a pounding at my door it was 3:30 in the mornin Thunderin and lightnin outside and f**in pourin I looked out through the peephole but they blocked it with their thumb I got pissed and opened up the door and I was f**in stunned It was Frankenstein straight up with the bolts in his neck And them biga** f**in boots standing there soakin wet He said I told him sh** you can say that again Come on in but don't be tryin to f**in k** me man My homie Frankenstein What's up with you? I'm only down with Frankenstein That's how I do He blew up my f**in toilet somethin wretchedly wicked Even though the only thing he says is we kick it One time he tried to k** me but that's just his way Every time I bring some b**hes home he scares em away He's f**in clumsy as f** big and dumpy and green
Sewn together body parts from different dead human beings The f**in top of his head is flat can't nobody f** with that If he breaks your back in half then you f**in stuck with that My homie Frankenstein What's up with you? I'm only down with Frankenstein That's how I do I thought he was just a horribly legendary figure Until he showed up and blew my couch out bigger He tried to k** my neighbor's wife the police they came and got em He gave two cops a rock bottom the rest shot em That only got him pissed and he smashed through a wall Out into the yard the hardest sh** I ever saw He was out of sight gone in the night no further news But I know he'll be back cause he forgot his neck screws My homie Frankenstein What's up with you? I'm only down with Frankenstein That's how I do