Trying to clip the creek to the bank with a clothes pin Waterlogged system, rusty spring, faulty planning Logic squeezed out like mustard at a corndog Hypertension is not wisdom, chewing the leather straps Trying to hold the sun still with a bobby pin Burned fingers. excellent conductor of heat Private fantasies are not public policy Christian charity is a doily over my d**h bo*er Busy work is not the Great Wall of China Vanity bamboo hut out back behind the big house Pretend is salve for whitey-boy guilt Furiously slapping at the moon with a cane pole Trying to prop up the heavens with a fresh flat pencil
Some folks are allergic to rubber I am trying to stitch this one to all the rest of them But the seams will split, collide and cleave Neopolitan ice cream is never truly integrated until it's too late Trying to stop the bleeding with scotch tape Platelets spoil adhesion, fire up the cauterizing iron It's a branding of necessity not scarification Bliss was a pimple that I tried to pop It erupted up and out on my countenance Ugly eruption, Vesuvius, ugly eruption, Vesuvius Ugly eruption, Vesuvius Vesuvius at myself, Vesuvius at myself