I was unpacking my suitcase Pulling out dirty clothes When evocative aromas hit my nose One shirt smelled of your smoky loft Another strongly of spilt vodka And it occurred to me, how much I brought home And knowingly your head loaded me up With the stuff to survive Through lean times So starved I could just wither and die But I was saving little chunks Of your sweet sweet goodness And squirrelin them away I was squirrelin them away
I was saving healthy chunks Of your sweet sweet goodness And squirrelin them away For the long lean winter All of y'all, so lush and generous It can get lean and lonely where I hail from But each luscious one of you Gave me bounteous charms to chew And I was stuffing, stretching, smiley-cheeked For the extent of my stay You could say that I was Squirrelin it away I was just squirrelin it away