Some hundred thousand years have pa**ed since ancient sapient brain began to shed its tight corset just ruled by instinct and reflex to poach inside its inborn paradise - the playground of creation Digging tunnels and cutting lanes into the thicket of our brains to trace causality - the seed once grown as fast as weed securing human kind advantage to survive - the fight of evolution And by rage - of natural selection - driven by fate - challenging the world came about what made the human mind believe in the chosen ones – equipped to k** and to create But thin - the line between the vague subconscious currents in the ocean of our mind and the reality we feel Whenever we're so sure to follow a clear marked and secure path cheated by force – the tide of moving emotion - a game of thought irrational congestion of our soul But then it seems – that slight imperfection attracts us fine
as if we shall return inside and close in the cycle ahead of time into the primordial ocean of our dreams Essentially human - in all we feel and love that rhyme and timing echo in our hearts a feeling for regular steps off he path – reflected in our culture and arts From microspace of unclear coherence - evolving fast once just a spark now gaining complexity and spreading past far beyond perceptive memory Essentially human - in all we feel and love that rhyme and timing echo in our hearts a feeling for regular steps off he path – reflected in our culture and arts And now along our street of dreams we're tracing - following subconscious schemes see moving searchlight beams Along the narrow line between all reason and emotion we shall see all human wit and feel