Drink one or two, three or four times a day As needed for pain, that's what Doc. Tender had to say Here comes the hurtin', medication's on its way It might not k** the pain, but it can make it go away A few pints a shots, really hit's the spot It's been known to bring a fever down when it moves up the scale Doc. Tender swears that it will keep all the blues away So I drink one or two, three or four times a day I'm not the kind that drinks 'till I drown I just pour it down when missing you comes back around Doc. Tender sais it'll keep all the heartaches away So I drink one or two, three or four times a day
When I get the chills, he don't prescribe no pills They don't mix with alcohol at all, they just get in the way I listen to Doc. Tender and every word he has to say So I drink one or two, three or four times a day I'm not the kind that drinks 'till I drown I just pour it down when missing you comes back around Doc. Tender swears it'll keep all the heartaches away So I drink one or two, three or four times a day Doc Tender swears it'll keep all the heartaches away So I drink one or two, three or four times a day