We reunited and we're going so strong
My wife died parasailing and I've moved on
And now our Barney boy will always be near
I'll come to live with you
And it won't be weird - Of course not wuv wuv
Back together and forever we'll
And daaad
And Barney makes thwee
And I'll live here too since we're married and I'm totally cool with it...
We reunited and I'm feeling so glad
I'm so much s**ier than Barney's dad
Back together now our life's right on track
But she's bangin my dad behind your dad's back
When you're at work, I'm all over her rack
That's not true
That's not funny
Mom break the news
Okay, we're screwing like bunnies
I'll kick your a**
I'd like to see you try
Well, my dad would win in a fight
No, my dad would win in a fight
My dad would win in a fight!