Hey y'all... don't delete this page! It's a sandbox page to create Various Artists albums!
Let me explain
So... a big problem on RG is Various Artists albums that end up having the wrong artist, usually the first artist that got added to the album, or, worse, there's a dozen different albums, one for each artist on the album Here's one, for example So, all you have to do to use this page is, click on "Edit title, artists, & album."
Where you see "Albums," click "Add album." Type in the name of the album you want
Make sure you delete the other fake albums first
Click "Save" and then refresh the page. You should see the album you were looking for listed! Now, click on that album, or open it in a new tab Assuming familiarity with making an album page on RG, add each song from the album to the new Various Artists album Give them each their track numbers When you're done, remove this song from the tracklist. This will mean that your new Various Artists album no longer appears in the album list here Refresh the page, and voila! A brand spankin' new Various Artists album