I've got bones in my skirt
An extra head in my bonnet
Mustn't meet the constable
Some men just don't understand
My husband brings home the cash
It's never quite big enough
A girl's got to find some honest means
To keep herself in luxury
Disarticulation: It's a gentlemen's occupation
No women need apply for we know you'll only cry
Watching our frightful vivisection
I gently pry open the crypt
With the lantern, I peer inside
I'm here for the dearly departed
Fresh ones fetch the most coin
There's a tidy sum to be had
If you don't mind the grave
No one suspects a lady
Some men just don't understand
Disarticulation: It's a gentlemen's occupation
No women need apply for we know you'll only cry
Watching our frightful vivisection
Now, I would like to take a moment if I may, to address these most dreadful accusations and a**aults on my character and indeed, my philanthropy. You see, I provide a valuable service to all the young medical students out there! They need all the help they can get to get ahead: good thing I've got a few to spare. A helping hand or two or three or six is really all they need to get a leg up in their studies. And they find the freshest selections in my hearse....er..wagon! my wagon! My prices are always a cut above the rest!
My friends say I look tired
I've mud on my boots and my skirt
I find I'm quite enjoying my nights
Cavorting among the dead
Don't know why he wants bodies
I keep all the j**els I find
He's up to no good with those corpses
Some men I just don't understand