This might be your time to show them That what they believe is wrong Mediocrity is not a crime and Everything is nothing when it's gone Opinions heard but nothing learned When nobody cares A good way to fade away When nobody's there Along their thin lines of morality must never stray Toward any true identity without their blindfold There's so much to see and and every day is One more day of self discovery Within their walls of solid emptiness Must never tell them that you loved Or why you miss the walls you dented with your bloody fist In secret hopes of breaking through and running far away
This could be the time to tell them That you've heard this all before Adversity has begun its climb But you know that you've seen it fall before A stone throw from what they know to be the truth Just more time to stay behind and follow you Between their thin lines of humanity Must always stay forever blind to what you see Another's axe will fell your strongest tree Another reason to believe in anonymity Behind their doors in rooms of hopelessness Must never tell them that you loved Or why you miss thekey you once held in your empty fist In secret hopes of breaking out and running faraway