As long as you have a pulse and you have good health then you have everything. Everything else is secondary. As long as you have those two things you have the building blocks to accomplish anything, never take them for granted. Remember, you're not going to be the way you are today forever; eventually time will take its toll and that's why you have to make the most of every opportunity now, today, while you still can. Life can change in a split second, so what are you waiting for? Work with a sense of fearless and urgency because you will never get today back! This is your time, create your legacy. I don't set limits in my mind as to what I can and cannot do. I see these successful people like CEOs and singers and movie stars and I say to myself “I can do that too.” Why can't I? We're all just humans after all; you can't tell me that they have some special advantage over me. We are all constructed from the same material. I see the game of life as an equal playing field. I am not intimated by them, they are no better than me and in turn I am no better than you. It took me a while to wake up into this mental awakening that I have experienced over the last few years. People that have known me for a long time have noticed it too. I changed the way I think, the way I look at the world, and as a result, my life has completely changed.
When you emit positive energy, you attract people into your life that share the same energy. We are drawn to each other somehow, of course I can't explain it fully, but I know that it's real because I experience it all the time. It might sound crazy to people that don't get it but once you tap into the power of your mind you can literally bring your thoughts into this realm. Your thoughts and your reality are directly connected. Consider these two worlds intertwined with one another. You can bring visions and thoughts from your mind into the real world and at the same time things you see in the real world end up in your thoughts and in your dreams when you sleep. I want to show people that they can do it too. Whatever “it” is to them. Let your pa**ion consume you, become one with it. Make the decision in your mind that you would sooner die than fail, that is when you will become more powerful and more successful than you could ever imagine. Take that leap! No more limits, every time you do something that you previous thought you couldn't do, you will grow. And each time you grow, you will become more confident, and soon you will feel unstoppable. I'm Unkle Adams, and I want you to check your pulse!