The face of the abyss Opened wide its mouth Swallow the heavens And all existence within Dark angel of four wings Horned with rotting genitals Breathe your plague upon this world Bring for your burning d**h d**h to life! Devour the earth and burn the stars d**h to life! Bring forth the eternal darkness! Chaos roars from the deep Ascend with hateful wrath Drown the race of man With black boiling blood Stab the womb of light With burning spears of darkness d**h to life! Devour the earth and burn the stars
d**h to life! Awake the kingdom of eternal... Night! The face of the abyss Opened wide its mouth Swallow the heavens And drown the race of man Dark angel of four wings Horned with rotting genitals Breathe your plague upon this world Bring for your burning d**h d**h to life! The great darkness devours the light d**h to life! Turn the essence of creation to ashes Extinguish its flame And strangle the world With thy dragon wings d**h to life!