In the darkest shadows, under the black rocks And ancient moss Where steam arises from the cracks in the crust of ground The spiteful dwell Fast, fast, fast, fast, faster than the lightning strikes Trying to make it in time Hide, hide, hide, hide, hide from the bright demise Rush away from the... Midnight Sunrise The night embraces these lands People stand in a circle holding hands A blaze over a peaceful summery lake Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape Under cover of darkness they have arisen And set their feet on the ground As the people celebrate they head to their homes To wreak havoc with their property Fast, fast, fast, fast... Midnight Sunrise The night embraces these lands People stand in a circle holding hands A blaze over a peaceful summery lake Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape The hourgla**' sand stops flowing, currents stand still The distant horizon glowing, a glimmer over the hill
Three golden kings come riding across the midnight skies Three golden blades shining, a sight for sore eyes Time stood still as sons of the dawn rode by As the daybreak approaches And the sunbeams close in on them Horror fills their hearts Running for their lives as fas as they can In panic they flee Fast, fast, fast, fast... Midnight Sunrise The night embraces these lands People stand in a circle holding hands A blaze over a peaceful summery lake Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape Twelve golden hooves come smashing down on earth And chase the creatures to the holes Where they once were given birth The ones who are not that lucky to escape Are burning down to ashes in the midnight sunrise Three golden kings come riding across the midnight skies Three golden blades shining, a sight for sore eyes Time stood still as sons of the dawn rode by