Cold crispy crunchy crackle Pulsating electrical static It's just so automatic My piece of personal plastic Instant phat packet zap Beat net delivery fix Baby blonde battery barbies Ain't got nothing on this Key ticks go clickity clack Holowach hits his hard drive hack Download track and bounce right back P2P is where it's at Spot rip sample and clip Zip burn spin and spit Some sonic a**embly line trip Shooting straight, straight from the hip Speaking to this tiny box Through wires words walk Struttin down browser blocks World-wide transmission talk Fuzzy Flicker FM falls
DRM dashed to the walls Podcast broadcasts signal no noise Global infinite internet choice Music junkies get all for free Major labels don't get me Contracts kiss my industry I'll sing the system to its knees Try to stop a genie loose Lawyers can't hold back the truth We the people, we the youth You the media, we're now too Evolving global brain Planet transmit tell-tale train Virtual visual psychic plane Alpha omega ascension game Serket dot net beams it down RJ carries the cla**ical crown Arna Ema sing some rounds Try^d kicks the combined sound