[Intro] Yo! Let me tell you about someone The slimiest of the bunch And the one who holds your fate [Verse 1] He weighs over 200 pounds, got no hair He's apathetic but he pretends to care You see him everywhere, he controls the game He hates when you stare and who does he blame? Other people because he's so sadistic Stuck in his old ways, can never get with it But they don't care, they just want to believe In someone who appears to have integrity He's a s** up f**, the poison to the culture Could corrupt even the most smartest of lurkers Just because he's been on everything Does not mean he's going to fulfill your dreams He's going to crush them, give you a lobotmy Make you a slave, unable to do anything Place you in hell where you believe the show is good He should give up the game and I wish he would [Chorus] That's Fat Promoter! Fat Promoter! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah; Fat Promoter! Fat Promoter! [Verse 2] Fat Promoter only cares about himself Is a s**ual pervert, he needs to seek help Can't keep his personal life away from business How the f** can he not be scolded for this I masterbate to adults, he masturbates to kids I don't need to explain how f**ed up it is They call me violent, but is violence really appalling? Especially when you can't cope with the rape and mauling
That's what Fat Promoter does, rapes your mind Has his own cabal that messes with your grind Ruins your reputation with false allegations They say you're fakin' and balatently hatin' You can't prove the truth because they're in a bubble Slaves to Fat Promoter, that deceptable f**er Even if you hate the guy, you can't get rid of him He's in too deep to the point where you can't win [Chorus] That's Fat Promoter! Fat Promoter! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah; Fat Promoter! Fat Promoter! [Verse 3] Let me tell you about me, I used to love Fat Promoter I used to be stupid and then I heard from quoters What has Fat Promoter ever done except lie and steal His whole act is a fa**ad, he ain't real But like the fool I was, I kept believing I was hoping he'd give me something I was seeking An opportunity; to make some real change Now all I am is just completely derranged Detached from the world, I hate everything now I can't believe that a person would do this, wow! I'm amazed that people can be heartless ba*tards Especially when everyone is a heartless ba*tard Those who have a mental disability Are the only ones who can feel anything Can stand up to Fat Promoter, detect his lies Feel empathy and don't even have to try