I am twenty-two rocking the latest eighty-five
Always down for a diner
Thrift shop educator
8 Mile enthusiast
Cincinatti Bengals fan (when and if it will ever matter)
Kendrick Lamar's hand in matrimony
The epitome of hashtag #ThatAwkwardMomentWhen
Angela Ba**ett's bestie
Hater of all things Hollister
A Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw, but never the Hufflepuff
The embodiment of Olivia Pope as spirit animal
I am in love with a boy and his hand stitched guitar
I am in love with a boy and his odd-stitched heart harmonizing in the key of lonely
I am mothers water broke in church pew
Father's lost letter, daughter he will never meet
I am scared to be black
I am proud to be black
I have never seen The Notebook but have re-watched every installment of Friday
I am where the wild things are
I am metaphors that boost my street-cred because all I want in life is to rap under the alias "Tonyasaurus-Rex"
I am a bullet in an open flood,
swimming in the junk-yard of the most sacred drowning
I am a girl still learning God
Lupus is an autoimmune disease
This means immune cells in the body that usually attack or destroy viruses in harmful bacteria begins attacking normal parts of the body such as skin, blood cells, kidneys, hearts, and brain
The cause of Lupus is not known
Common symptoms include:
A bu*terfly shaped rash across the bridge of the nose,
sunlight sensitivity, arthritis, fatigue, or depression
There is no cure for Lupus
but most people can lead normal, active lives with proper care
I am diagnosed, but have re-watched every installment of Friday because all I want in life is to rap under the alias
Lupus is an autoimmune daughter he will never meet
A thrift shop bacteria
This means the cells in the body are scared to be black
Common symptoms include:
Harmonizing in the key of lonely and
The embodiment of Olivia Pope as spirit-animal
I am a disease who is a Cincinatti Bangels fan
(When and if it will ever matter)
Other parts of the body such as skin, blood cells, kidneys, hearts, and brain are always down for a diner
The cause of Lupus is not known
I am in love with sunlight sensitivity
swimming in the junk-yard of fatigue that usually attacks and hates all things Hollister
I am a Gryffindor who began attacking the normal parts of my body for never seeing The Notebook
The bu*terfly shaped rash across the bridge of the nose is depression
I am proud to be mothers water broke in church pew
The epitome of hashtag #ThereIsNoCure
It is a boy, with this hand-stitched lost letter
His name is Kendrick Lamar
An 8 Mile enthusiast and a destroyer of all viruses
I am Angela Ba**ett's autoimmune bestie
Where the wild things are always
I am twenty-two rocking the latest lupus
Common symptoms include:
Metaphors that boost my odd-stitched kidneys
Stunning blood cells
Wrecking brilliance of a brain
Still heart, good skin
Most people can lead normal, active lives with proper care
with no cure, in an open flood,
where the most sacred drowning is the girl
who is still learning God