Is that cloak you wear a disguise
Do you want to keep us out
Alive but unaware
Don't you just want to know
I am alive
I am working just fine
Don't you even have hopes
Working it out
We're getting out of here
Working my body in spaces
I am a live
I am living just fine
Wouldn't you just like to know
I am alive
I am living just fine
Don't you even have hopes
Whoever the day
Lighter by light
Living inside of the spaces of matter that matter
Can't i just get your cell phone number
Can't i just get the breakfast platter
I am a live
I am living just fine
Don't you really want to know
I am alive
I am working just fine
Don't you even have hopes
Living the color
Reddish orange
Could be the life you wanted
Could be the color you wanted
In the morning you rise from a mattress
Do you say
I am a live
I am living just fine
Wouldn't you really like to know
I am alive
I am living just fine
Don't you even have hopes
I am a live
I am living just fine
Wouldn't you really like to know
I am alive
I am living just fine
Don't you even have hopes