Being crucified by all the scribes
You can't see our backs for all the knives
The critics have done all they could
Fair enough; we're just no good
We've tried our best, no excuse
We've come to realise it's just no use
It's about time everybody understood
One simple fact: we're just no good!
This latest effort; it's pretty drab
Try Died Pretty; they're always fab
Turn off the radio; I know I would
Let's just face it; we're no good
It's about time that a rock band spoke
As a matter of fact they were a joke
We'll be the first in the neighbourhood
To say without a doubt; we're no good!
No good, no good good good
We'll be the first in the neighbourhood
No good good good
Possibly then, we could get Sting
Admitting to his pissant thing
When Dunsinane gets to Burnam Wood
That's when he'll say "I'm no good"
Now Bono, take the stand
This time forget your band
Morality's your daily food
Why don't you preach "I'm no good"?
No good, no good good good
Morality's your daily food
No good good good
Just before we run out of time,
That last verse contained an eye-rhyme
And I feel that I should
Point out that it wasn't good
The singer mucked up the song
The guitarist got it wrong
The ba**ist, in all likelihood
Is like the drummer; they're both no good
You wouldn't be talking to me 'cept I'm in TISM
I'm really ugly, 've lost all my teeth
I'm a boring person, I'm not witty, I'm nothing,
And if your still talking to me, dont talk to me,
I wouldn't be caught talking to me, I'm not worth talking to