When the last time
You'd see me try
Sing a song about
The world and me?
The world and you?
When was the last time
You'd see me cry
Why isn't there
Enough love?
Everywhere we'd go
We'd see the same old thing
When the last time
You'd hear me talk
About that same old
Wooden Mask
Each one of us
Wear it everyday
Even when the lights
Go out at night
Wooden mask
You've been
And you're in
Every one of us
Wooden Mask
Why isn't there
Enough love
Everywhere we'd go?
It's the same old thing
Wooden mask
We wear it
Even when the lights
Go out at night
Wooden mask
Everywhere we turn
It's the wooden mask
Every tme we try
It's the same old
Wooden mask
Take it off
Take it off
Toss it down
Toss it down
Let it burn in a bon fire
Let it burn
Oh, let it burn
But don't save its ashes!
Wooden mask
Take it off
Take it off
Toss it down
Toss it down
Let it burn in a bon fire
Let it burn
Oh, let it burn
But don't save its ashes!
Yeah, yo, yo
We don't need it
The wooden mask
And let there be
Love everywhere
And let us come
As we are without the
Wooden mask
Take it off
Take it off
Burn it up
Burn it into
One great ball of bonfire
We don't need
The wooden mask
Yeah, yo, yo
We don't need it
Let there be
Love everywhere
And everyone is
Free of the night
Would it be nice
If we could
Just be free?
Yeah, yo, yo
Get rid of that
Wooden mask!