When I finally get steady
And back on my feet
And I convince me to come back to the party
I should probably keep my mouth shut
It would be best to keep it empty
Cause the things that I've been thinking
Aren't fit for company
And I don't think they could handle it
If they could
I'd just be bitter
Cause I can't
So don't you dare diminish it
And label it self pity
Cause I've been there before
And this is different scenery
Trees have fallen in the driveway
The alley's overrun with weeds
And I can't take the sidewalk
While the memories flood the streets
There's a little box
That weighed too much
We carried it up the mountain
And we buried it underground
Deep as my fingers would allow
There's a hole it left uncovered
And I can't dig it out
Now the sound that parted clouds
Only brings me down
So it goes...
Until it won't