The sun be darkened the moon be darkened and all of the stars will From the sky Galaxies shaking God forsaken Much of us taken, I don't know why The king of kings seen coming in the clouds Whoever loves pleasure is poor He who has less has more Perish in fire You cannot survive lest you Ask that Lord, unlatch that door Open yourself up To the path that's yours He'll come in and indwell everlasting Underneath all your masks straight pa** that core the quickening Phantasm will fasten No man know the hour So I'm gon' wait for -- While they carry on Act so informal See him coming clouds With power and great glory Have you running all-around In horror and great mourning --Sending all a angels to gather his saints for him When that trumpet blow His people We come pouring Purposely forget he flooded the earth wit water This time gon' be fire you better follow his orders He said live holy Spotless until that day But if every man's a sinner --How we suppose to pray If we confess our faults Christ take those away Clean us up and wipe us off And send us all back out to play But make sure you got the right Christ
Because it's a lot that follow Jesus antichrist and best believe people he is not life He Is d**h itself He'll lead you straight to hell With power s** and wealth And I bet you can't protect yourself You need the one and only Jesus of the bible --I'll see you there because I plan to be alive too At the cross bowing... [Lindseypop] Mmmmmm….. It's coming and it's going to be no other place you can go He gave you all everything but you still didn't choose him though Too blinded by earthly things, but you can't take them with you, though Last chance to take a stand or you're going to fall way below There's a war on outside Because that day coming and them horns blaring No Coltrane just hot flames When that sky crack and that star falls Burn a hole through your front lawn Them knees buckle, grown men gon' cry And all the ones that just turned they back gon' Wan' die from that one sting It's six more, still gon' sing Rivers of blood All winds gon' cease Birds fall, planes crash, can't recall the sights that we gon' capture So I pray to God, I get caught in the raptu---